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danse du ventre 〔法語〕 肚皮舞。

danse macabre

She bent herself this way and that and examined herself before and behind , stooping to look at the side view of her bosom and at the sweeping contours of her thighs . and she ended with a strange amusement which consisted of swinging to right and left , her knees apart and her body swaying from the waist with the perpetual jogging , twitching movements peculiar to an oriental dancer in the danse du ventre 她慢慢地伸開兩只臂膀,展現她那豐腴的愛神的上身,她彎下腰,打量自己的背面和前面,目光停在乳房的側影上,注視著由粗到細的大腿,最后竟古怪地扭動起來,雙膝分開,左右搖擺,腰肢上部扭動著,像埃及舞女跳肚皮舞那樣不停地顫動著。